Stills. Cyanotype on paper.

Series of 5 editions of 6.


For this series of cyanotypes, I used images I took of statues in cemeteries. The first 3 were taken in Highgate cemetery on a day I was waiting for test results from the nearby Whittington hospital (who is morbid enough to while away time waiting for test results in a graveyard?), the next 2 in the Batignolles cemetery in Paris where I went to see the grave of French poet Paul Verlaine. I am however planning to go and take more in a few other cemeteries when I can, to add to the collection.

Cemetery images are a recurring motif in certain part of the art and music world (such as the beautiful cover of Joy Division’s “Closer”), but when working on these cyanotypes, I was not seeking the same gloominess or pathos that these images can convey. I felt the images can convey a certain stillness and peace, the depth of the blue like a dive into a silent but welcoming world, like a pause in an otherwise frenzied life.

In a place of eternal rest, I saw glimpses of still lives.

Stills I. Cyanotypes on paper. Edition of 6. 2021

Stills II. Cyanotypes on paper. Edition of 6. 2021

Stills III. Cyanotypes on paper. Edition of 6. 2021

Stills IV. Cyanotypes on paper. Edition of 6. 2021

Stills V. Cyanotypes on paper. Edition of 6. 2021


Holiday Blues

